This page updated
17th Jan 2007 added link to BYC entry lists and not re entering both U10 and U12
10 Oct 2006 updated for the 2006-2007 season
27 Sep 2006 Amended U10 year of birth and temporary note re U10 vs U12 foil
28 Aug 2006 Added 2006-2007 note
1 Nov 2005 Extended link for EF website
29 Oct 2005 added this seasons finals details (dated 29Oct2005 on England Fencing website)
1 Oct 2005 Added obvious note that these are last season's details
13 Dec 2004 Added "BYC finals entries" answer to FAQ.
3 Nov 2004 Added BYC disclaimer
17 Oct 2004 Added date of epee / sabre finals
20 Sep 2004 corrected September -> January
13 Sep 2004 Page created
This page was last updated on: 15 February, 2014
British Youth Championships (Finals), 2006-2007 season.
Foil 20-21 January 2007.
Epee / Sabre 17-18 February 2007.
Linked from this page are files downloaded 10th October 2006 from the England Fencing Website.    These files on this website are therefore copies and might not be the latest.    You are recommended to use the England Fencing website (¦documents ¦ competitions ¦ national ¦ 2006 BYC Papers ¦...) instead but these are here for convenience and robust linking.

For the U10 foil youth championships on the weekend of 5th May 2007, there is no region qualifier.  Enter directly.
Entries to: Ismay Cowen, Lundbrek, Donnington, Nr. Wroxeter, Shropshire SY5 6PT    Tel: 0195 274 0429
Note that fencers born in 1997 may choose either U10 (direct) or U12 (via qualifier).   The U12 event has not been part of the BYC and so eligible fencers can enter both U12 and U12 in the 2006-2007 season.   However this may change for future years.

If your qualifier is on the same day as a competition offering cadet ranking points and you are in realistic contention for a place in a GB team then consult the BYC committee.

Confirmation of whether or not you have qualified for the BYC finals may be viewed on the England Fencing Website at this webpage:

BYC Rules and method of entry

BYC Details

BYC Disclaimer / Parents Consent form   Note that all finalists will be required to hand in a signed copy of this disclaimer at check-in.  Please print a copy and fill it in before the event.  (This is last year's form...I have not seen one yet for 2007).

BYC Finals Entries (local notes from IdeW in response to FAQ)

This information is needed by organisers of qualifiers but not by individuals:
BYC Result forms (BYC Committee's info sent to Regional Qualifier Organisers)
Note that SE Region will pay the entry fees for the finals. 
Fencers only need to pay the one entry fee for the qualifier event.