Email contact details available via this link

Helen Thouless  (Chair)

Akbar Hossain (Treasurer)

Tim Schofield (Committee Member)

Jim Hamilton (Minute Secretary & Welfare Officer)

Marc Bengry (Committee Member)

Nick Payne (Committee Member + Publicity)

All the committee are volunteers
please contact any committee member if you'd like to help.

Updates to this page:
2024-05-06 Deleted Jill Farmer and Ian de Whalley
2021-12-05 Committee update post AGM; AH treasurer
2021-04-10 Removed footer
2021-03-24 refreshed link to minutes
2020-12-20 Moved previous committee contributors to the email contacts page (behind a human-accessible password)
2019 Amended to remove previous volunteers.
2018-02 Committee updates
2017 NP & JH roles
2016 New committee
2015-12-21 Amended committee roles per AGM Minutes
2015-10-26 Initial update post AGM (pending confirmation)
2014-12-06 Removed all phone numbers and addresses (emails are still accessible)
2014-11-02 Update post AGM: New Committee (added Kate Downer, Helen Thouless, Dominic Carey)
2013-12-15 Removed Keith and Suse.  Added Chris Weeks.
2013-06-24 RIP Niké
2013-06-20 Removed Neale & Ayesha 
2013-03-09 RIP RDB, Vice chair -> chair.
8Feb2012 Added Alp Orge
2Jul2011 Corrected Oaktree -> Oak Tree and added email by SW.
4Dec2010 deleted Chris Howser, Added Mark Richardson
10Mar2010 deleted GM, removed 2009 from SW. Added TB & AF.
3 Feb 2009 amended details ref NA.
28Jan 2009 amended details ref NA.
23 Jan 2009 Updated committee; added GM, JF, NA, SW; deleted EB
24 Sep 2008 Removed AR
03 Feb 2008 Added Jon
23 Sep 2007 Removed entry for Sue Grove
16 Sep 2006 Swapped EB/IdeW Minute sec vs External Sec.
26Aug2006 Jim Hamilton (co-opted).   Committee roles amended.
6 Sep 2005 Updated address and phone for Chris Howser
3 Jul 2005 Deleted Joe Shackell and Keith Dodwell, Added Chairman to IdeW
25 Sep 2004 Centred on page
8 Aug 2004 Amended address for Chris Howser
30Jun2004: Deleted David Allbeury and Clive Galiano.  Added Keith Dodwell, Chris Howser and Elaine Bl.
3 Jun 2004 Updated address for David.
5 Feb 2004 Deleted email addresses, replaced with links to page via password.

SCFU Committee 
This page was last updated on: 6 May, 2024